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The Art Story – About Us
At a Glance
71.8M Readers (from Inception)439 Passionate Contributors
Our Audience:
8.7M Million Yearly Readers
Our Art Pages:
798 Artists
170 Movements
72 Ideas+
6 Timelines
The Problem: Art is inaccessible!
Very often brilliant academics explain art solely to other brilliant academics, not to the world at large. Volumes are written that can only be accessed and interpreted by the few.
The Solution: Birth of The Art Story
We believe in a world where the ideas and aspirations behind wondrous art works are accessible to everyone to explore and be inspired by. (a 501c3 Nonprofit) helps millions of people each year understand and enjoy every style of art, from Classical Greek statues, to Dali’s Surrealist concoctions, to Contemporary Conceptual explorations.
Why The Art Story
1. Quality of Content - We start with material produced by brilliant academics who are also great writers. Our writers either have PhDs or are experts in their fields.
2. Ease of Use - We are careful to provide consistency from one page to the next, as is done in the highest quality encyclopedias. We offer clear, understandable overview pages - not technical, over-cited content, so you'll never be bogged down by annoying art jargon.
3. Consistent, Thoughtful Organization - Then we organize their writings in ways that can only be accomplished on-line, such as interactive timelines and user-friendly cross-referencing. Once you see and understand how our pages are organized, you can learn about art with ease.
4. The Joy of Art - We all want to enjoy art, and understand what we are looking at. Our eloquent overview pages and friendly presentation make it easy to appreciate great works of art.
5. Sheer Size - TheArtStory.Org now has the equivalent of over 19,000 written pages of art content, and we are growing every week. No printed book can compete with this. The internet is a powerful delivery mechanism for organizing and presenting extensive content in ways that printed volumes never could.
From the Founder